New on our LibGuide (What's a LibGuide? Glad you asked...)

I've just finished adding some bells and whistles to our school's LibGuide to spruce it up for sharing with 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders next week. In our county, each school has a LibGuide that acts as a one-stop shop for library media resources: You can search the catalog for books, find links to all of our subscription databases and resources like PebbleGo and WorldBook, and find lists of books, articles, videos and websites that the media specialist curates specifically for various topics, classes, units or projects.  

Where can you find it? Students should all have an icon for it on their iPads (it looks like a blue cloud and says "GBE Libguide"), or you can bookmark this link:, but I've found that a quick Google search for Greenbrier LibGuide or Greenbrier Library Media easily pulls it up in a pinch. 

So what's new to our school's LibGuide? It now features:
  • A slide show of this year's Black Eyed Susan Award nominees (click any of them to see them in Destiny Discover, where you can request a hold). The slide show also highlights seven great apps for reading on your iPad and how to use your student ID number as a library card for Washington County Free Library and its resources. This is the same slide show we now have as a screensaver to play on the projector at school when not in use. (Other WCPS LMSs: Feel free to steal for your Libguide! You'll just need to change the links to your own copies in Destiny Discover and update the username on the Capstone Interactive slide).
  • This year's library media encore schedule and book exchange schedule information.
  • What Mrs. Tuya has been reading (right now it's an excellent graphic novel called Stargazing) -- click the cover to open in Destiny Discover to learn more and place a hold.
  • Links to lists of books recommended by students in each class (these will be updated throughout the year).
I'm looking forward to sharing it with students on Monday and Wednesday! What else do you think we should add?
